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Our Publications

  1. 方梓勳、陳嘉恩。〈從互文性看《雷雨》和《滿城盡帶黃金甲》〉。耿發起、田本相、宋寶珍編:《雷雨八十年》。天津:天津古籍出版社,2015年。頁346–361。(pdf)
  2. Fong, Gilbert C. F. “Wild Manand the Idea of Freedom”. In Lackner, M., Chardonnens, N. (Eds.), Freedom and Fate in Gao Xingjian’s Writings. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014. Pp. 105-120. (link)
  3. 方梓勳、田本相編。《香港話劇史稿》。北京:文化藝術出版社,2009年。
  4. Fong, Gilbert C. F. Of Mountains and Seas: A Tragicomedy of the Gods in Three Acts.Chinese-English Translation of Gao Xingjian’s play. With introduction. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2008. (pdflink)
  5. 方梓勳編。《香港話劇訪談錄》。香港:香港中文大學香港戲劇工程,2000年。(pdflink)
  6. Fong, Gilbert C. F. The Other Shore: Plays by Gao Xingjian. Chinese-English Translation. With introduction. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1999. (pdflink)
  7. Chan, Shelby K. Y. “Trap Revisited: The Man Who Questions Death and the Tragedy of Modern Man”. In Michael Lackner and Nikola Chardonnens (ed.), Freedom and Fate in Gao Xingjian’s Writings. Berlin: DeGruyte, 2014. Pp. 241-58. (pdf)
  8. Chan, Shelby K. Y. Islands or Continents (Edited volume, with Bei Dao, Gilbert C. F. Fong, Lucas Klein and Christopher Mattison). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2013. (link)
  9. Chan, Shelby K. Y. “Tai laizi Yuanye: Jiegou kongjian yu renxing” 他來自《原野》:解構空間與人性 [He is from The Wilderness: Deconstructing space and human nature] (With Gilbert C. F. Fong). In Beijing People’s Art Theatre Museum (ed.), A Symposium on the Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of Mr. Cao Yu. Beijing: China Drama Press, 2013. Pp. 73–84. (pdf)
  10. Chan, Shelby K. Y. “Hechu jian wu jia: Xianggang fanyi ju yu yuanchuang ju de bentixing shuxie” (Equivocating about home: Subjectivity writing in translated plays and original plays in Hong Kong何處見吾家:香港翻譯劇與原創劇的本體性書寫). In Mo Zhaozhong (ed.), Xin shiji huawen xiju yanjiu (Studies in Chinese drama in the new millennium新世紀華文戲劇研究). Macau: Aomen huawan xiju xuehui, 2012. Pp. 422–30. (pdf)
  11. Chan, Shelby K. Y. Words and the World (Edited volume, with Gilbert Fong, Lucas Klein, Amy Ho and Bei Dao). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2011. (link)
  12. 蕭世昌。《佛教文字之電腦互動翻譯法:電子時代佛教翻譯的新方向》。香港:正法文庫,2013年。頁326。(ebook)
  13. 蕭世昌。〈TranXearch:專門為譯者而設的智能搜尋引擎〉。《2013 臺灣翻譯研討會—科技與翻譯發展:會議論文資料》。臺北:國家教育研究院及國立臺灣師範大學,2013年。頁97-109。
  14. 蕭世昌。《鳩摩羅什的長安譯場》。高雄:佛光文化事業有限公司,2010年。頁324。(pdf)
  15. Siu, S. C. “Buddhist Scripture Translation in the New Millennium”. The Changing Face of Translation: Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Portsmouth Translation Conference. Portsmouth: University of Portsmouth, 2009. Pp. 35-46. (pdf)
  16. Siu. S. C. “Theorizing Buddhist Scripture Translation as an Act of Giving”. New voices in Translation Studies, 4, 2009. Pp. 1-14. (pdf)
  17. 李劍雄。〈法庭語言藝術〉。《星島日報》,2014年2月24日。
  18. 李劍雄。莊奴詞集,2014年。(link)
  19. Lee, K. H. “English in the Chinese Courtroom”. Hong Kong Lawyer, 11/2013: 12.
  20. 李劍雄。《港式翻譯疑難解說》。香港:明窗,1999年。(pdf)