Selected Publications
Our Publications

- 方梓勳、陳嘉恩。〈從互文性看《雷雨》和《滿城盡帶黃金甲》〉。耿發起、田本相、宋寶珍編:《雷雨八十年》。天津:天津古籍出版社,2015年。頁346–361。(pdf)
- Fong, Gilbert C. F. “Wild Manand the Idea of Freedom”. In Lackner, M., Chardonnens, N. (Eds.), Freedom and Fate in Gao Xingjian’s Writings. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014. Pp. 105-120. (link)
- 方梓勳、田本相編。《香港話劇史稿》。北京:文化藝術出版社,2009年。
- Fong, Gilbert C. F. Of Mountains and Seas: A Tragicomedy of the Gods in Three Acts.Chinese-English Translation of Gao Xingjian’s play. With introduction. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2008. (pdf, link)
- 方梓勳編。《香港話劇訪談錄》。香港:香港中文大學香港戲劇工程,2000年。(pdf, link)
- Fong, Gilbert C. F. The Other Shore: Plays by Gao Xingjian. Chinese-English Translation. With introduction. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1999. (pdf, link)
- Chan, Shelby K. Y. “Trap Revisited: The Man Who Questions Death and the Tragedy of Modern Man”. In Michael Lackner and Nikola Chardonnens (ed.), Freedom and Fate in Gao Xingjian’s Writings. Berlin: DeGruyte, 2014. Pp. 241-58. (pdf)
- Chan, Shelby K. Y. Islands or Continents (Edited volume, with Bei Dao, Gilbert C. F. Fong, Lucas Klein and Christopher Mattison). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2013. (link)
- Chan, Shelby K. Y. “Tai laizi Yuanye: Jiegou kongjian yu renxing” 他來自《原野》:解構空間與人性 [He is from The Wilderness: Deconstructing space and human nature] (With Gilbert C. F. Fong). In Beijing People’s Art Theatre Museum (ed.), A Symposium on the Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of Mr. Cao Yu. Beijing: China Drama Press, 2013. Pp. 73–84. (pdf)
- Chan, Shelby K. Y. “Hechu jian wu jia: Xianggang fanyi ju yu yuanchuang ju de bentixing shuxie” (Equivocating about home: Subjectivity writing in translated plays and original plays in Hong Kong何處見吾家:香港翻譯劇與原創劇的本體性書寫). In Mo Zhaozhong (ed.), Xin shiji huawen xiju yanjiu (Studies in Chinese drama in the new millennium新世紀華文戲劇研究). Macau: Aomen huawan xiju xuehui, 2012. Pp. 422–30. (pdf)
- Chan, Shelby K. Y. Words and the World (Edited volume, with Gilbert Fong, Lucas Klein, Amy Ho and Bei Dao). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2011. (link)
- 蕭世昌。《佛教文字之電腦互動翻譯法:電子時代佛教翻譯的新方向》。香港:正法文庫,2013年。頁326。(ebook)
- 蕭世昌。〈TranXearch:專門為譯者而設的智能搜尋引擎〉。《2013 臺灣翻譯研討會—科技與翻譯發展:會議論文資料》。臺北:國家教育研究院及國立臺灣師範大學,2013年。頁97-109。
- 蕭世昌。《鳩摩羅什的長安譯場》。高雄:佛光文化事業有限公司,2010年。頁324。(pdf)
- Siu, S. C. “Buddhist Scripture Translation in the New Millennium”. The Changing Face of Translation: Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Portsmouth Translation Conference. Portsmouth: University of Portsmouth, 2009. Pp. 35-46. (pdf)
- Siu. S. C. “Theorizing Buddhist Scripture Translation as an Act of Giving”. New voices in Translation Studies, 4, 2009. Pp. 1-14. (pdf)
- 李劍雄。〈法庭語言藝術〉。《星島日報》,2014年2月24日。
- 李劍雄。莊奴詞集,2014年。(link)
- Lee, K. H. “English in the Chinese Courtroom”. Hong Kong Lawyer, 11/2013: 12.
- 李劍雄。《港式翻譯疑難解說》。香港:明窗,1999年。(pdf)