Fung Yiu King Hall
Fung Yiu King Hall

Fung Yiu King Hall is designed for major conferences and interpretation training. It is divided into three areas: Conference Area, Audience Section, and Interpretation Area.
Conference Area holds three rows of crescent-shaped conference benches, which provides seats for over 60 conference participants. Each seat is equipped with a gooseneck microphone and a transmitter for delivering speeches and receiving interpretation.
Audience Section is located at the centre of the Hall. With over 200 seats, members of the audience are able to access interpretation through infrared audio equipment.
Interpretation Area houses six interpreter’s booths at the back of the hall. In compliance with the conference standards of the United Nations, each interpretation booth, fitted with soundproofing glass and equipped with computers and simultaneous interpretation devices, is spacious enough to accommodate two working interpreters and a standby.