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Programme Objectives

Programme Objectives

Programme Objectives

The BTB Programme will enable students to:

  1. Learn independently and to learn how to learn;
  2. Face challenges by using their critical thinking, creativity, analytical power and problem-solving ability;
  3. Work in a team with effective social and interpersonal skills;
  4. Obtain knowledge, language skills and practical experience for their pursuit of a career in the business or public sector;
  5. Communicate effectively in English and Chinese (Cantonese and Putonghua) in a biliterate and trilingual business environment and for study purposes;
  6. Gain a solid foundation of theoretical knowledge in business administration and translation;
  7. Put theory and knowledge into practice in applied translation for business-related purposes;
  8. Be aware of global issues and the developments in cross-border regions through international or national exposure; and
  9. Widen their understanding of the world and of the communities and cultures in which they may live or work.

Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs):

Upon completion of the Programme, students should be able to:

  1. Have a solid foundation of the theoretical and professional knowledge of business administration and translation;
  2. Apply conceptual, specialised, technical and creative skills in business administration and translation;
  3. Communicate effectively through writing and translation in English and Chinese (Cantonese and Putonghua) in a biliterate and trilingual business environment and for study purposes;
  4. Attain a competent level in language usage in globally recognised language assessments, including IELTS and National Putonghua Proficiency Test;
  5. Generate ideas through application of abstract information and concepts;
  6. Critically analyse, evaluate and synthesise information, ideas and concepts;
  7. Apply social and interpersonal skills effectively and to work in a team;
  8. Use information technology effectively for business-related and translation purposes;
  9. Have a good understanding of the world, the communities and the cultures in which they may live or work; and
  10. Be professional and competent in taking up a career in the public or business sector.

Bachelor of Translation with Business (Honours) is recognized under the Qualifications Framework (QF).

QF Level: 5

QR Registration No.: 18/000851/L5

Registration Validity Period: 08/11/2018 to 31/08/2026

Area of Study (QR): Languages and Related Studies







Bachelor of Translation with Business (Honours) (Traditional Chinese)






Bachelor of Translation with Business (Honours) (Simplified Chinese)