Master of Arts in Translation (Business and Legal) (MA-TBL) Programme Public Lecture: Overview of Criminal Procedure—from Arrest to Sentence
6 February 2018
Master of Arts in Translation (Business and Legal) (MA-TBL) Programme
Public Lecture: Overview of Criminal Procedure—from Arrest to Sentence
Mr. Arthur Luk, Senior Counsel, delivered a seminar on ‘Overview of Criminal Procedure—from Arrest to Sentence’ for the MA-TBL Programme today.
The former Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions of the Department of Justice introduced to the audience the criminal procedure in general−apprehension of suspects, bail, custody, trials and sentences. He also talked about the rights of a citizen under the protection of certain ordinances and international covenants.
Having worked as a prosecutor for 25 years, Mr. Luk shared his views on pursuing a career in the legal sector. He believes that the study of law can help oneself gain a better understanding of society, since every aspect of daily life is closely intertwined with law.
Mr. Arthur Luk, S.C. (left), receives a souvenir from Dr. Elvis Lee, Programme Director of MA-TBL