Puget Sound Students Visiting STRA
12 December 2017
Puget Sound Students Visiting STRA
The School of Translation extended a warm welcome to teachers and students of the Pacific Rim Study Abroad Program (PacRim Program) from the University of Puget Sound of the United States. The PacRim Program promotes the liberal educational mission of the university, and students of the Program travel to Asia for nine months this year for rigorous academic work and experiential learning. Hong Kong is one of the stops of the program and the School of Translation was chosen as the destination for academic and cultural exchange.
Dr. Shelby Chan briefly introduces the history of Hong Kong
The student representative presents a souvenir to Dr. Chan
Dr. Shelby Chan, the Acting Dean of the STRA, delivered a lecture titled “Hong Kong Identity and Youth Culture”. Through contemporary history and recent socio-political movements, Dr. Chan introduced such local culture as the local dialect, Cantonese, and its slang expressions, online parodies and the unique hybridity of the “Hongkongese” identity. The lecture was nicely enriched with Chinese dim sum and tea at the end for our visitors from the Washington State.
Staff and students of the PacRim Program with Dr. Shelby Chan