Found in Translation: Common Mistakes in English Usage
STFL Public Lecture – Found in Translation: Common Mistakes in English Usage
Mr Lawrence Leung, Senior Lecturer of the School of Translation and Foreign Languages, delivered a public lecture entitled “Found in Translation: Common Mistakes in English Usage” on 21 May 2022, which was the second public lecture on common mistakes in language use in Hong Kong hosted by the School.
Translation in Hong Kong mainly involves Chinese and English. Mistakes in English usage in translation naturally occur in our surroundings. Mr Leung introduced different kinds of mistakes in English usage, focusing on grammatical ones.
Mr Leung compared Traditional Grammar and Systemic Functional Grammar with examples, explaining that a word might be polysemous and can serve different functions. He also shared with the audience how to deal with English articles in translation and analysed the structures of different English tenses. The talk was concluded with a reminder of attention to the contrastive grammar between Chinese and English in order to avoid making mistakes during translation.
Mr Leung introduces different kinds of mistakes in English usage.
Mr Leung analyses the structures of different English tenses.