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  • TRA3112 - Consecutive Interpreting (P-E / E-P)

    年級:3, 4
    學分: 3
    時間: 45小時
    先修單元: TRA1011 Fundamentals of Interpreting,
    TRA2011 Consecutive Interpreting 1,
    TRA2012 Consecutive Interpreting 2
    or with the Instructor’s permission and upon endorsement of the relevant Chairperson and Programme Director
    This module builds on the interpreting skills students have acquired from the modules “Fundamentals of Interpreting”, “Consecutive Interpreting 1”, and “Consecutive Interpreting 2”. Special attention is paid to strengthen their ability in interpreting between Putonghua and English through intensive drills. Authentic materials are used and real-life interpreting performances are critically studied.
    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
    1. perform consecutive interpreting between English and Putonghua effectively;
    2. speak in public in Putonghua and English with fluency and assurance; and
    3. develop sensitivity towards different Chinese dialectal accents.


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