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  • TRA3107 - Mobile Application Design and Development for Translators

    年級:3, 4
    學分: 3
    時間: 45小時
    先修單元: No prior knowledge of programming and application design is required.
    This module provides students with the essential knowledge and skills required for the design and development of multilingual mobile applications. It focuses on mobile programming methodology, language processing techniques and application localisation. Students gain a good understanding of the key concepts of mobile programme and hands-on experience in developing simple translation aids and mobile applications.
    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
    1. demonstrate a sound knowledge of mobile application design and development;
    2. demonstrate a good understanding of the key concepts of mobile programming;
    3. design simple mobile translation aids and multilingual applications;
    4. identify and analyse problems relating to the development and localisation of mobile applications; and
    5. provide multilingual services with stronger technological awareness.


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