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  • TRA3106 - Tourism and Translation

    年級:3 or 4
    學分: 3
    時間: 45小時
    先修單元: Nil
    This module is divided into two parts. Part One provides students with a good understanding of the multifaceted relationship between travel and translation from an interdisciplinary perspective. It aims to enhance students’ understanding of the cultural, social, ideological and historical factors affecting the writing and translating of travel texts. Part Two, building on students’ theoretical knowledge from their study in Part One, aims to familiarise students with the basic concepts of and various approaches to the translation practices in tourism industry, with special emphasis on how to formulate appropriate translation strategies to overcome translation problems caused by cultural gaps, differences, and barriers. Authentic examples are studied; students are required to translate authentic travel brochures and other materials.
    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

    1. appreciate how travel writings and their translations contribute to the intercultural communication;
    2. understand more about the relations between ideological presupposition and the products of translation;
    3. gain more understanding of the various factors involved in the process of translating travel texts;
    4. identify potential cultural difficulties in translating travel writings and formulate appropriate translation strategies accordingly; and
    5. demonstrate their basic skills pertinent to translation in tourism industry.


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