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  • TRA2104 - Introduction to Bilingual Data Analysis

    年級:2, 3, 4
    學分: 3
    時間: 45小時
    先修單元: Nil
    This module covers the major methods for bilingual text analysis. Topics include (1) the collection and pre-processing of bilingual textual data, (2) use of statistical techniques and computational tools for the analysis of texts and words (e.g., deep learning methods), and (3) interpretation, presentation and visualisation of the results of analysis. Students can adopt quantitative methods to (1) explore translation issues (e.g., analysing translation strategies) and (2) gain insights from bilingual data and apply them to different areas of study.
    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
    1. understand the key concepts of the analysis of bilingual data and its applications;
    2. demonstrate a sound knowledge of electronic tools and statistical methods for bilingual text analytics; and
    3. interpret and communicate the results of bilingual data analysis.


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