TRA4101 - Professionalism in Translation and Translation Management
年級: | 4 |
學分: |
3 |
時間: |
45小時 |
先修單元: |
Nil |
This module is designed to prepare students for a professional career in translating and intercultural communication and to introduce students to the various technical skills of translation management. It aims to raise students’ awareness to the different demands of clients and the challenges of commissioned jobs. Emphasis is put on the knowledge, skills, ethics and professionalism required for working as members in the local, national and international translation markets. Teaching materials and assignments will be adapted from authentic examples as far as possible.
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- understand the history of the translating profession down the ages and its recent development and the current market scene;
- optimise the working relationship with clients;
- acquire various technical skills and knowledge required for translation management;
- develop legal and ethical sensitivity in the translating profession; and
- demonstrate an awareness of their personal aptitudes for various career options open to translators.