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  • TRA3102 - Business Law Translation 2

    年級:3 or 4
    學分: 3
    時間: 45小時
    先修單元: ACC2021 Hong Kong Business Law
    TRA3002 Business Law Translation 1
    or with the Instructor’s permission and upon endorsement of the relevant Chairperson and Programme Director
    The module provides further training on business law translation for students. It focuses on the important concepts of business law in Hong Kong and the PRC and strengthens students’ ability to analyse and translate judgments of business legal cases and documents related to property transaction such as mortgage assignments, insurance and other incidental correspondence, to use databases and other library resources to conduct research on business law translation, and to evaluate and comment critically on translated texts.
    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

    1. explain the important concepts of business law in Hong Kong and the PRC;
    2. translate promptly and accurately business law judgments;
    3. translate promptly and accurately documents related to property transaction;
    4. evaluate and comment critically on translated texts.


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