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  • TRA4102 - Translation for the Arts Industry

    年級:3, 4
    學分: 3
    時間: 45小時
    先修單元: Nil
    This module aims at providing students with the essential knowledge and skills needed in translating texts relating to the arts industry. Students learn to identify the linguistic, stylistic and cultural features of arts texts and to formulate strategies for translating such texts. Selected texts from areas such as film, music, dance, theatre, painting and sculpture are used as materials for translation practice.
    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
    1. identify the linguistic, stylistic and cultural elements of arts texts;
    2. master the basic strategies and techniques for translating arts-related texts of various genres;
    3. produce an appropriate target text in accordance with the purposes of translation;
    4. develop a better understanding of the complexities and challenges involved in the translation of arts texts; and
    5. locate and use reference tools related to their translation works.


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