TRA2103 - Translation for Advertising
年級: | 2 |
學分: |
3 |
時間: |
45小時 |
先修單元: |
Nil |
The module provides translation training to students in the area of advertising. It offers students the exposure to different types of materials in the advertising industry. Through studying the common linguistic features and cultural elements at work in a variety of materials for advertising or promotional purposes, students are trained to master the translation strategies in creative and effective advertising.
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- describe the linguistic features and their corresponding translation strategies of an advertising or promotional text;
- translate advertising writings between English and Chinese;
- translate advertising copies for print and broadcast media;
- translate advertising and promotional materials in an advertising campaign between English and Chinese; and
- evaluate and comment critically on a translated text for advertising or promotional purpose.