TRA4151 - Translation for the IT Industry
年級: | 3, 4 |
學分: |
1.5 |
時間: |
22.5小時 |
先修單元: |
Nil |
This module aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills required for the English/Chinese translation of documents in Information Technology (IT). It familiarises students with the IT industry and its language (e.g., IT terminology in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and Taiwan) and helps them grasp the principles, strategies and techniques of translating IT documents, including IT news, product information, user guides and technical data sheets.
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- demonstrate a good understanding of the IT industry and common terminology in English and Chinese;
- analyse and translate common IT documents competently;
- critically evaluate and improve existing translated IT documents.