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  • TRA3155 - Translation and Lexicography

    學分: 1.5
    時間: 22.5小時
    先修單元: Nil
    This module is designed to familiarize students with the subtleties of a translator’s all-important tool—the dictionary. By introducing the aspects of lexicography relevant to translation, the module enhances students’ ability to optimize their use of dictionaries in both translating and language learning. Students also gain a sophisticated understanding of bilingual lexicography, thus opening up the possibility of participating in jobs related to dictionary making.
    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
    1. identify suitable dictionaries for particular translating situations;
    2. detect and correct translation errors caused by improper dictionary use;
    3. apply advanced dictionary-use techniques to improve translation quality; and
    4. demonstrate a solid understanding of bilingual lexicography.


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