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  • TRA3152 - Translation and Sanskrit Buddhist Scriptures

    年級:2, 3, 4
    學分: 1.5
    時間: 22.5小時
    先修單元: Nil
    The module introduces students to the translation of Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures. It familiarises students with characteristics of traditional Buddhist texts and key terminology in Buddhism, with reference to Mahāyāna sūtras. Students also (1) develop a good understanding of the Sanskrit language and Buddhist culture, (2) identify issues related to the history of Buddhist scripture translation and cultural interaction, and (3) explore the essential knowledge, skills, and techniques of translating reasonably short excerpts of the scriptures from Sanskrit into Chinese or English.
    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
    1. demonstrate a good understanding of Buddhist scripture translation;
    2. demonstrate basic knowledge of the Sanskrit language;
    3. translate short excerpts of Buddhist scriptures with the help of translation technology;
    4. analyse and evaluate existing translated Buddhist scriptures by adopting appropriate research methods; and
    5. identify and resolve cultural issues and problems related to Buddhist scripture translation.


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