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  • TRA3103 - Public Relations Translation

    年級:3, 4
    學分: 3
    時間: 45小時
    先修單元: Nil
    The module offers intensive translation training between English and Chinese on a variety of written materials for persuasive and communicative purposes in the business sector. It also enhances students’ knowledge and exposure to writing for publicity and media coverage.
    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
    1. produce effective communicative materials with appropriate public relations writing skills in both English and Chinese;
    2. translate promptly and accurately written materials released for publicity;
    3. translate promptly and accurately background writing materials as information sources;
    4. translate promptly and accurately prepared materials for business presentations and press conferences; and
    5. evaluate and comment critically on a translated text of persuasive writing for the media.


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