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  • MGT3013 - International Management

    年級:3 - 4
    學分: 3
    時間: 45小時
    先修單元: MGT1002/BUS1002 Principles of Management or with the Instructor’s permission and upon endorsement of the relevant Head and Programme Director.
    This module is designed to be a challenging advanced management course. On the basis of introductory management courses, it focuses on the challenges and opportunities associated with organisational management and business strategy in the global environment. Through this module, students can gain a general overview of the process and effect of internationalisation in contemporary business, along with an introduction to theories, concepts, and skills relevant to effective management in today's global environment. Students will be challenged to integrate knowledge they have gained from other business core courses and apply accumulated knowledge to business case studies. They will also engage in active research and analyse and solve real-life problems related to managing in the international environment and will be asked to present their findings to the class for open discussion.
    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
    1. build upon knowledge of management from introductory courses, students are equipped to broaden insight into global business and management;
    2. gain a general overview of the process and effect of internationalisation in contemporary business;
    3. learn theories, concepts, and skills relevant to effective management in today's global environment; and
    4. engage in active research and analyse and solve real-life problems related to managing in the international environment.


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