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  • MGT3012 - Training and Development

    年級:3 - 4
    學分: 3
    時間: 45小時
    先修單元: MGT1002/BUS1002 Principles of Management or with the Instructor’s permission and upon endorsement of the relevant Chairperson and Programme Director
    Training and development is a specialty area about organisational activities aiming at bettering the performance of individuals and groups in the workplace. To equip students to engage in the specialty, this module is designed to help them learn about theories, concepts, and skills in employee training and development. It also strives for providing a balance between research and real company practices with solid background in the fundamentals of the field such as need analysis, training design, and evaluation, etc. Moreover, students also have a better understanding of the contemporary challenges in employee training and development and career management in organisations.
    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
    1. describe the role of employee training and development in management, especially in human resource management;
    2. explain the fundamentals in human resources training and development issues;
    3. identify and analyse the challenges in employee training and development and career management in the contemporary context; and
    4. study and apply the specific methods and skills in developing effective training and development programs.


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