TRA4107 - Translation for Social Media
年級: | 3, 4 |
學分: |
3 |
時間: |
45小時 |
先修單元: |
Nil |
The module aims to equip students with the principles and techniques relating to social media translation, including Facebook posts, company blogs, YouTube videos subtitles, Tweets and Instagram. Through a variety of hands-on tasks, students will acquire and apply special strategies and techniques to tackle translation problems in various types of social media writings. They will learn how to transcreate/transedit a copy into digestible chunks that are full of quotable pieces and details, and choose the right keywords to achieve high search engine ranking and to increase online presence. Special attention is given to particular text categories and subject-matter knowledge that are pertinent to current market demand.
Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
- adopt appropriate strategies for translating/transcreating social media copies between Chinese and English;
- describe the linguistic features and their corresponding translation strategies of a social media text;
- identify a general pattern of the way people browse webpages and thus shape/translate texts for online reading;
- translate texts into digestible and interesting chunks to help readers scan for important information;
- slim down copy from print sources to suit the online format;
- master the basics of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) methods.