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  • TRA4105 - Film and Television Translation 2

    年級:3 , 4
    學分: 3
    時間: 45小時
    先修單元: TRA3104 Film and Television Translation 1 or with the Instructor’s permission and upon endorsement of Programme Director
    This module builds on the theoretical and practical foundation laid in TRA3104 Film and Television Translation 1 and provides students with professional knowledge in screen translation. It aims to address the growing demand for competent translators of film and television scripts and to prepare students to take up the active role of a translator in subtitling for local and regional film and television industries. Focus is placed on equipping students with a firm grasp of audiovisual discourse and the essential skills and techniques for artistic expression and communicative transmission of filmic message by means of precise and meaningful verbal delivery through sound and image. Students will learn to match the rhythm of the film, to determine the in- and out-time for each subtitle, and to maintain synchronisation between text and sound. At the end of the course, they should be able to work on subtitling software and as part of a team.
    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
    1. efficiently analyse a range of audiovisual material (e.g., films, television shows, documentaries, etc.) for subtitling purposes;
    2. successfully carry out the main tasks that subtitling entails: spotting or time-cueing and the actual translation of audiovisual material;
    3. deal with the spatial and temporal constraints of subtitling by appropriately condensing and reformulating the original text;
    4. tackle translation challenges pertaining to the handling of dialects, cultural specificities and verbal humour;
    5. select among different techniques and justify translation decisions;
    6. solve problems in translating film and television scripts by using subtitling software.


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