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  • BUS4002 - E-Marketing

    學分: 3
    時間: 45小時
    先修單元: BUS2001 Principles of Marketing or with the Instructor’s permission and upon endorsement of the relevant Head of Department and Programme Director
    This module is designed to help students understand how to create stakeholders value by creating an Internet presence. It facilitates students to analyse the Internet user characteristics and consumer behaviour in the networked-economy. It also focuses on the knowledge and skills related to marketing plan, marketing mix and branding strategies in the e-marketing environment.
    Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:
    1. demonstrate knowledge of Internet, customer relationships and e-marketing concepts;
    2. analyse and interpret Internet user characteristics and consumer behaviour for managerial decision-making;
    3. incorporate a framework of e-marketing programs as part of an overall integrated marketing program; and
    4. apply e-marketing practices with a balance between technology utilisation and public policy compliance.


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